By C. Shakyor. Bowie State University.
The GPe has inhibitory GABAergic projections to the subthalamic nucleus (STN) and GPi discount zudena 100mg with visa erectile dysfunction and testosterone injections. The STN has excitatory glutamatergic projections to the GPi and SNr and back to GPe buy cheap zudena 100mg on line erectile dysfunction drugs over the counter canada. GPi has GABAergic outputs to the ventrolateral (VL) and ventroanterior (VA) nuclei of the thalamus, which then has extensive projections back to the cerebral cortex. In addition, GPi projects to the pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) in the brainstem. The PPN has received considerable attention recently. Injections of bicucullin, a GABA antagonist, alleviate symptoms of experimental parkinsonism induced by administration of n-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) in nonhuman primates (6). The SNr projects to the superior colliculi and are conceived to be involved in eye movements. CURRENT CONCEPTS OF PARKINSON’S DISEASE PATHOPHYSIOLOGY These anatomical/neurochemical circuits have been conceptualized by current theories of physiology and pathophysiology into direct and indirect pathways (7,8). The direct pathway includes the striatum to the GPi to the VL thalamus, finally to motor cortex (MC) and supplementary motor area (SMA). The indirect pathway includes the striatum to GPe to STN to GPi to VL thalamus and then to MC and SMA. SNpc dopamine neurons are excitatory of striatal neurons participating in the indirect pathway and inhibitory of striatal neurons participating in the direct pathway. Conse- quently, the result of loss of SNpc dopamine neurons can be hypothesized to cause decreased activity in the striatal neurons of the direct pathway. This would result in a reduction of inhibition of GPi neurons, which in turn would result in increased inhibition of the VL thalamus and a reduction of excitation of the MC and SMA, thus providing an explanation for loss and slowing of movements (Fig. Loss of SNpc dopaminergic drive to striatal neurons of the indirect pathway would result in decreased inhibition of these striatal neurons, which in turn would increase the inhibition of the GPe. FIGURE 1 Schematic representation of the basal ganglia-thalamic-cortical circuits. There are two general pathways, termed the direct and indirect pathways. The direct pathway goes from putamen directly to globus pallidus internal segment, while the indirect pathway goes through, the globus pallidus external segment and subthalamic nucleus before reaching the globus pallidus internal segment. These two pathways also differ in the effect of dopaminergic inputs from the substantia nigra pars compacta. The dopaminergic input is inhibitory of putamen neurons participating in the indirect pathway and excitatory of those putamen neurons participating in the direct pathway. The figure on the left shows the normal circumstance, while the figure on the right shows the consequence of dopamine depletion (represented by the broken arrows) such as occurs in Parkinson’s disease. The net result is reduction of inhibition, represented by the thinner arrows, and an increase in excitatory input, represented by the thicker arrow, onto the globus pallidus internal segment with increased inhibition of the ventrolateral thalamus. The increased activity of STN then causes further increased activity in GPi (Fig. There is considerable empirical evidence in support of this model. Direct evidence comes from microelectrode recordings in non-human primates before and after the induction of experimental parkinsonism by the administration of MPTP, Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. Some studies have demonstrated the predicted increases in GPi and STN neuronal activities following experimental parkinsonism. Microelectrode recordings in the STN of PD patients also have higher discharge rates than in epilepsy patients undergoing DBS (10). However, STN neurons in PD patients also were more irregular in their firing patterns. The observations of increased neuronal activity in the STN and GPi and reduced activity in the GPe cannot escape the possibility of being epiphenomenal rather than causally related to the symptoms of PD. These observations could be a special case more related to the severity of dopamine loss than two causal mechanisms. Others have shown no significant changes in baseline neuronal activity of either the striatum, GPe, VL thalamus, or MC following MPTP and animals clearly parkinsonian as evidenced by bradykinesia and changes in regional 2- deoxyglucose utilization typical of parkinsonian nonhuman primates (11). Filion and Tremblay (12) demonstrated that GPi neurons increased activity after MPTP, but the level of neuronal activity returned to baseline within a few weeks. Thus, dopamine depletion to the degree of producing changes in baseline neuronal activity is not a necessary condition for the production of parkinsonism.
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In addition generic 100 mg zudena with amex erectile dysfunction doctors in nj, spontaneous ipsilateral rotation may develop generic zudena 100mg without a prescription erectile dysfunction pink guy. Levodopa administration reverses the parkinsonian symptoms and induces contralateral rotation. Substantia nigra neurodegeneration and striatal dopamine depletion (>99%) on the ipsilateral side to the injection is more extensive than seen in the systemic model. The degree of unilateral lesioning in this model is dose dependent. Major advantages of the hemi-lesioned model include (1) the ability for animals to feed and maintain themselves without supportive care, (2) the availability of the unaffected limb on the ipsilateral side to serve as a control, and (3) the utility of the dopamine-induced rotation for pharmacological testing. In addition, due to the absence of dopaminergic innervation in the striatum, the hemi-lesioned model is well suited for examining neuronal sprouting of transplanted tissue. A disadvantage of this model is that only a subset of parkinsonian features is evident, which are restricted to one side of the body, a situation never seen in advanced PD. The bilateral intracarotid model employs an intracarotid injection of MPTP followed several months later by another intracarotid injection on the opposite side (55). This model combines the less debilitating features of the carotid model as well as creating bilateral clinical features, a situation more closely resembling idiopathic PD. The advantage of this model is its prolonged stability and limited inter-animal variability. Similar to the hemi- lesioned model, where there is extensive striatal dopamine depletion and denervation, the bilateral intracarotid model is well suited for evaluation of transplanted tissue. However, levodopa administration may result in only partial improvement of parkinsonian motor features and food retrieval tasks. This can be a disadvantage since high doses of test drug may be needed to demonstrate efficacy, increasing the risk for medication related adverse effects. A novel approach to MPTP lesioning is the administration of MPTP via intracarotid infusion followed by a systemic injection. This overlesioned model is characterized by severe dopamine depletion ipsilateral to the Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. MPTP-carotid infusion and a partial depletion on the contralateral side due to the systemic MPTP injection. Consequently, animals are still able to maintain themselves due to a relatively intact side. The behavioral deficits consist of asymmetrical parkinsonian features. The more severely affected side is contralateral to the intracarotid injection (56). Levodopa produces a dose-dependent improvement in behavioral features, but the complications of levodopa therapy such as dyskinesia have not been as consistently observed. This model combines some of the advantages of both the systemic and intracarotid MPTP models, including stability. This model is suitable for both transplant studies, utilizing the more depleted side, and neuroregeneration with growth factors, utilizing the partially depleted side where dopaminergic neurons still remain. Finally, the chronic low-dose model consists of intravenous injections of a low dose of MPTP administration over a 5- to 13-month period (57). This model is characterized by cognitive deficits consistent with frontal lobe dysfunction reminiscent of PD or normal aged monkeys. These animals have impaired attention and short-term memory processes and perform poorly in tasks of delayed response or delayed alternation. Since gross parkinsonian motor symptoms are essentially absent, at least in early stages, this model is well adapted for studying cognitive deficits analogous to those that accompany idiopathic PD. The MPTP-lesioned nonhuman primate has provided a valuable tool for investigating potential mechanisms underlying motor complications related to long-term levodopa use in human idiopathic PD. The MPTP- lesioned nonhuman primate has been shown to demonstrate both wearing- off and dyskinesia. Although the etiology of dyskinesia is unknown, electrophysiological, neurochemical, molecular, and neuroimaging studies in the nonhuman primate models suggest that the pulsatile delivery of levodopa may lead to (1) changes in the neuronal firing rate and pattern of the globus pallidus and subthalamic nucleus, (2) enhancement of D1- and/or D2-receptor–mediated signal transduction pathways, (3) super-sensitivity of the D2 receptor; (4) alterations in the phosphorylation state and subcellular localization of glutamate (NMDA subtype) receptors, (5) modifications in the functional links between dopamine receptor subtypes (D1 and D2, and D1 and D3), (6) changes in glutamate receptors (AMPA and NMDA receptor subtypes), and (7) enhancement of opiod-peptide–mediated neurotransmission (58–62). While the presence of a nigral lesion has long been considered an important prerequisite for the development of dyskinesia in the MPTP model, recent studies demonstrate that even normal nonhuman primates when given sufficiently large doses of levodopa (with a peripheral decarboxylase inhibitor) over 2–8 weeks may develop peak-dose dyskinesia Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. The high levels of plasma levodopa in this dosing regimen may serve to exhaust the buffering capacity within the striatum of the normal animal and therefore lead to pulsatile delivery of levodopa and priming of postsynaptic dopaminergic sites for dyskinesia. In addition to its central effects, the administration of MPTP may lead to systemic effects, which may prove detrimental to any animal during the induction of a parkinsonian state.
The arms swing recipro- cally with the swinging leg generic zudena 100mg online erectile dysfunction fertility treatment, meaning when the right leg is in forward swing discount 100mg zudena amex erectile dysfunction medication side effects, the left arm is swinging forward (Figure 7. If there is a major problem that limits motion in the upper extremity, the contralateral lower extremity will demonstrate the mechanical impact during gait. Also, the head is a sep- arate segment within the HAT segment, which can be positioned so as to impact the center of mass. However, the head postures are more likely to be used for balance and receiving sensory feedback than for altering the center of mass of the HAT segment. A Simplified Understanding of Normal Gait The foregoing description of the function of all the segments and joints during gait has been greatly simplified compared with current full under- standing. The mechanical understanding of the whole body will simplify this structure even more, but it provides a framework to apply a mechanical clinical understanding to pathologic gait that can be helpful in formulating treatment options. Simplified Joint Functions The body is seen as a cargo segment setting on the motor train. The motor train element is made up of linked, rigid segments. The foot is the segment in contact with the ground and its main function is to make a stable, solid connection with the ground and have mechanical lever arm length in the plane of forward motion and at right angles to the ankle and knee joints. The ankle joint is the primary motor output of energy and power for forward motion of gait. Also, the ankle is the primary stabilizer for postural stability. The calf is a straight, rigid segment between the knee and ankle joints. The knee is a hinge joint whose main function is to allow the limb to lengthen and shorten, and the knee needs to be a stable connection between the shank 7. The most significant motion of the pelvis is in the transverse plane, although there is motion in both the sagittal and coro- nal planes as well (A). Transverse plane con- trol of the limb starts with the foot fixed on the floor; however, as toe-off occurs, some internal rotation occurs that has to be ac- commodated at the pelvis and hip. The cycle of the pelvis does not have a right and left cycle because it is one unit without an artic- ulation in the middle. The cycle is half as long as the stride in the limbs; therefore, we prefer to look at right and left half cycles (B); this allows a comparison of right to left sym- metry rather than plotting the same data twice, only out of phase, which is what oc- curs with full cycle plotting. The knee joint axis and ankle joint axis should be par- allel and at right angles to the forward line of progression. The thigh is a straight, rigid segment with torsional alignment allowing the knee to have its axis at a right angle to the forward line of progression. The hip is the secondary or alternate source of power output for forward mobility. At initial contact, hip flexion combined with knee extension define the step length. The hip also has to keep the pelvis and HAT segment stable with minimal motion. The role of the pelvis is to have enough motion to accommodate the hips so as to decrease the motion of the center of mass of the HAT segment. Movement of the trunk as de- fined by the top of the shoulders and chest follows the motion of the upper extremity Simplified Cycle Functions and is opposite of the pelvis; thus, the trunk Using these very simplified rules of gait, this mechanical understanding can rotates forward during ipsilateral stance and be combined into a full description of the gait cycle. At initial contact, the contralateral swing phase (Figure 7. The the opposite of the pelvis, that rotates forward pelvis is rotated forward and tilted posteriorly. Motions in the other the foot comes to foot flat with solid contact with the ground. For weight ac- planes are also out of phase with the pelvis. This for- of the center of mass and therefore decreases ward fall is primarily controlled by the hip extensors.
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