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Sculptra® DC

Sculptra® Aesthetic is an FDA-approved injectable product that restores and corrects the signs of facial fat loss by replacing lost volume. Also known as “poly-L-lactic acid,” it is synthetic, and biocompatible (does not harm the body) and biodegradable (able to be broken down by the body). It does not require a skin test.
Sculptra® Aesthetic is targeted for use in:

  • Deep folds between the nose and the mouth, or, smile line
  • Lines framing your mouth (marionette lines)
  • Chin wrinkles
Sculptra® Aesthetic may take several treatments, and results happen slowly over several months. But unlike some injectables that are temporary facial fillers, Sculptra® Aesthetic actually helps restore lost collagen — restoring the structure under the skin — for smoother skin and fuller volume that can last for two or more years.

Sculptra® Aesthetic FAQs

Do I need a skin test before being treated with Sculptra® Aesthetic?
No Skin test is required prior to use.

How does Sculptra® Aesthetic work?
Sculptra® Aesthetic is injected below the surface of the skin in the area of fat loss. Sculptra® Aesthetic provides a gradual increase in skin thickness. Visible results appear within the first few treatment sessions.

Are the results for Sculptra® Aesthetic immediate?
No. At your first treatment visit, it may appear that Sculptra® Aesthetic worked immediately because of swelling from the injections and the water used to dilute Sculptra® Aesthetic. In a few days, when the swelling goes down and the water is absorbed by your body, you may look as you did before your treatment. Sculptra® Aesthetic takes time to gradually correct the depression in your skin.

How many treatments are required?
Patients with severe facial fat loss may require 3 to 6 treatment sessions.

How long do Sculptra® Aesthetic treatment results last?
Treatment results will differ for each person. In a clinical study, the treatment results lasted for up to 2 years after the first treatment session or more. Touch-up treatments may be needed to maintain the desired effect.

Do Sculptra® Aesthetic injections hurt?
As with any injection, Sculptra® Aesthetic may hurt. It is injected in small amounts using a very fine needle. We will apply a topical or local anesthetic.

What can I expect at my treatment session?
You should remove any make up prior to treatment and the injection site will be cleaned with an antiseptic. An ice pack is applied to help reduce swelling, and the area is thoroughly massaged to distribute the product evenly.

What can I expect after treatment?
Immediately following a treatment session with Sculptra® Aesthetic, redness, swelling, pain, bruising, or all of these signs may occur in the treatment area. These signs usually go away in a few hours to a few days. Some patients have had some bruising that has lasted about a week. You will be given specific post-treatment care instructions, which will include massaging the area a few times each day for several days after the treatment session.

What are the possible side effects of treatment with Sculptra® Aesthetic?
The most common side effects with the use of Sculptra® Aesthetic include injection-related side effects at the site of the injection such as bleeding, tenderness or pain, redness, bruising, or swelling. These side effects generally last, on average, 3 to 17 days.

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