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Frequently Asked Question

1. How does the tumescent technique reduce bruising after liposuction?
2. How long will it be until I see results?
3. Can more than one area be treated in one session?
4. When can the procedure be repeated in a different area?
5. Will liposuction improve the fat stomach I acquired after my last baby?
6. What factors determine the success of liposuction surgery ?
7. What is tummy tuck?
8. How does abdominal liposuction differ from a tummy tuck?
9. Does liposuction produce permanent results?
10. How much weight can I lose by liposuction?
11. Will the fat cells grow back after liposuction?
12. If I gain weight after liposuction, does fat come back in the treated areas?
13. If I do not gain weight, does fat come back in the treated areas?
14. What can I expect if I get pregnant after liposuction?
15. Is there any age restrictions on liposuction?
16. Can liposuction be performed on obese patients?
17. Does liposuction remove cellulite?
18. Will my skin contract to fit my new profile?
19. What is power-assisted liposuction?
20. What is ultrasound assisted liposuction (UAL)?
21. Why should I do liposuction?
22. What is Liposuction?
23. What is Tumescent Liposuction?
24. What are Elastic Compression Garments?
25. What is the Cost of Liposuction?
26. Am I A Good Candidate for Liposuction Surgery?
27. Realistic Expectations of My Liposuction Surgery?
28. Which Body Areas can be treated by Liposuction?
29. What are the Complications and Risks of Liposuction Surgery?
30. What Questions Should I Ask before Choosing A Liposuction Surgeon?
31. What kind of Qualifications should a Liposuction Surgeon have?
32. What are the Important Characteristics of a Safe Surgical Facility?
33. What is the safest form of liposuction?
34. What is a liposuction cannula?
35. How long is the Liposuction Surgery Post-Op and Recovery time?
36. Is there Pain or Discomfort after Liposuction Surgery?
37. How does Liposuction Affect the Appearance of the Skin?
Does Liposuction Produce Visible Scars?

38. Is Liposuction a Reasonable Treatment for Obesity?
39. Is it Normal to be Anxious Before having Liposuction Surgery?
40. How does Abdominal Liposuction Differ from a “Tummy Tuck”?
41. What are the differences between liposuction and a tummy tuck?
42. How much does liposuction cost?
43. How are the surgical fees for liposuction determined?
44. Should I Base My Decision on the Cost of Liposuction?
45. Is Liposuction Covered by Health Insurance?
46. Is financing available?
47. How does a patient prepare for liposuction surgery?
48. What type of anesthesia is used for liposuction?
49. Which Is Better: Cool Sculpting Or Liposuction?
50. Is Liposuction Worth The Cost?
51. Will The Skin Tighten Up After Liposuction?
52. Can Liposuction Be Done Twice in the same area?
53. What Are The Best Types Of Liposuction?
54. Is Liposuction only for Women?
55. How many liters of fat should be removed using liposuction surgery?
56. What are Some of the reasons to stop liposuction before completing surgery :
57. What are the minimum and maximum age limits for Liposuction?
58. Can Liposuction be used only for removing fat from tummy?
59. Is liposuction surgery expensive?
60. Is Liposuction effective for reducing fat from problem areas?
61. Is Liposuction a Weight Loss Treatment?
62. If I Have Lipo Now in spring Will I Be Able to Enjoy Results this Summer?
63. What to look for when choosing the right Liposuction Surgeon?
64. Can people have Lipo from out of state ?
66. What is superficial liposculpture?
67. How is facial Liposculpture done?
68. Where are the incisions placed?
69. Do I need to be asleep during surgery?
70. Can the fat be reused?
71. Is Wearing a Compression Bandage After Surgery Obligated?
72. After the initial consultation, how many more visits will I make to your office before the surgery?
73. How long will the surgery last?
74. How long will I need someone to help care for me after the surgery?
75. What types of activities should I avoid after my surgery?
And for how long?

76. How long should I expect to be out of work?
77. How long will I be sore from the surgery?
78. How long until the swelling goes down?
79. How long until the final results of the surgery are visible?
80. Will I need to change my bandages?
If so, how often?

81. How many follow-up visits should I expect?
82. Where is liposuction be performed?
83. What makes an ideal candidate for the procedure?
84. Is liposuction a weight loss procedure?
How much fat can be removed?

85. What happens during the procedure?
How is it performed?

86. What is the recovery like?
87.What sort of scarring is expected after the procedure?
88. What kind of results should a patient expect after the procedure?
89. Is American Board of Plastic Surgery important and required ?
90. How much experience do you have with liposuction?
91. What kinds of results can I expect?
92. What is the surgery and recovery time?
93. Are before and after photos of similar procedures available to see?
94. What is the scheduling time before surgery?
95. What kind of postsurgical care is involved for the target area?
96. What kind of follow-up is required with after this procedure?
97.Am I a good candidate for liposuction?
98. What results are seen with liposuction?
99.Is there scarring after?
100. Is liposuction safe?
101. Is liposuction a weight loss procedure to treat obesity?
102. Is liposuction covered by insurance?
103. What postsurgical and follow-up care is necessary?
104. What results should a patient expect after the procedure?
105. Will I gain the fat back after liposuction?
106. How many clothing sizes will I go down?
107. Is Liposculpture a Solution for Lipomas and Excessive Sweating?
108. Being a lady, I feel shy to undergo liposuction naked, What is the solution?
109. Treatment for seroma or hematorma after Lipo?
110. Smoking cigarettes or weed?
111. Issues of BMI for Lipo?
112. Can patient with diabetes have Lipo?
113. Can patient with high blood pressure have Lipo?
114. Can patient with kidney disease or liver disease have Lipo?
115. What causes burns after Lipo?
116. How are burns treated after Lipo?
117. What is unique about liposuction at Vita Surgical?
118. Do heating pad cause damage after Lipo ?
119. Do waist trainer cause damage to the skin?
120. How much blood is lost during tumescent liposuction?
121. How many incisions are made?
122. How long will take for the incisions to heal?
123. How long does it take to complete a typical liposuction procedure?
124. Are there any risks of Liposuction?
125. Is there any pain with liposuction?
126. What is Liposuction Swelling (EDEMA)?
127. What are seromas?

1. How does the tumescent technique reduce bruising after liposuction?
There is dramatically less bruising with tumescent liposuction totally by local anesthesia compared to other liposuction techniques under general anesthesia. There are two reasons for this significant decrease in bruising.
First, because there is so little blood loss with the tumescent technique, there is almost no blood that remains beneath the skin to cause bruising after surgery.
The second reason for decreased bruising is that with the tumescent technique, there is a considerable amount of post-operative drainage of the blood tinged anesthetic solution. The incisions are so small (about 1.5 mm) that they do not require stitches. By allowing these wounds to remain open for two to three days after the surgery, most of the residual blood-tinged anesthetic solution drains out.
This minimizes bruising and swelling and accelerates the rate of healing.

2. How long will it be until I see results?
More than 50% of the results will be seen next day. Most patients will see 50% of their ultimate liposuction results within one to three months after surgery. Full results will be seen after 6 months.

3. Can more than one area be treated in one session?
Generally, it is advisable not to be very aggressive (the so called “mega-liposuction”) to avoid complications.
However, different areas such as abdomen and thigh or buttock are not done in one session. What is important from a safety angle is the amount of blood and fat removed.
Large or Mega liposuctions are associated with an increased risk. It is important to keep in mind that in any cosmetic procedure including liposuction, final safe and satisfactory result is far more important than quick results.

4. When can the procedure be repeated in a different area?
The procedure can be repeated any time after a week. However, it is ideally done after one month.

5. Will liposuction improve the fat stomach I acquired after my last baby?
Yes. Liposuction typically provides an excellent improvement of the abdomen after pregnancy. In fact, for the vast majority of patients, liposuction provides a better and more natural appearance than a tummy tuck.

6. What factors determine the success of liposuction surgery ?
A key factor in liposuction results is the width of the surgeon’s cannulae (internal suction probes). Wider and bigger cannulae are helpful for the surgeon to save time as they can remove more fat in less time. However, they usually are a DISADVANTAGE to patients. These wider cannulae need larger skin incisions and also create wider ridges in the fatty layer leading to noticeable unevenness if patients gain weight.. Small cannulae do not usually cause these ridges and usually provide a more natural result.

7. What is tummy tuck?
Tummy tuck is the name given to the operation in which the skin-including the subcutaneous fat is removed and skin is sutured-also called abdominoplasty, it is a major surgical procedure requiring general anesthesia, and involves liposuction and excision to remove fat, plus a large excision of skin. The typical result is usually a flatter tummy with a large scar extending from the pubic area to the lower abdomen to anterior hips.
Before the invention of liposuction, a tummy tuck was the only surgical method for removing excessive abdominal fat. In many patients (but not all) liposuction of the abdomen can often provide equivalent or better results than a tummy tuck. Because liposuction is safer and causes less scarring compared to tummy tucks, tummy tucks are less often preferred now.

8. How does abdominal liposuction differ from a tummy tuck?
1. A tummy tuck can result in an unsightly scar that extends across the entire lower abdomen, just above the pubic area in addition to an unnatural appearance of the belly button.
2. Tummy tucks are far more risky than abdominal liposuction. Tummy tuck surgery has a much higher risk surgical complications such as blood clots in the lung (pulmonary embolism) compared to liposuction.
3. The recovery after liposuction is much safer, quicker and easier than the recovery after a tummy tuck.
4. Tummy tucks are more expensive.
5. The recovery time required before a person can return to work after a tummy tuck is typically two to four times longer than after liposuction of the abdomen.

9. Does liposuction produce permanent results?
After liposuction the new body’s shape is more or less permanent. If a patient does gain a moderate amount of weight after liposuction, then the figure will simply be a larger version of the new body shape. Fat cells that are removed by liposuction do not grow back. If the patient does not gain excessive amounts of weight, then the new more pleasing silhouette is permanent.

10. How much weight can I lose by liposuction?
Patients should not expect to lose a dramatic amount of weight with liposuction. Weight lost is equal only to the amount of fat removed –which varies by patient’s initial weight. However, because fat is removed from cosmetically important areas, liposuction should produce significant improvements in aesthetic appearance.
Although liposuction should not be regarded as a method for weight loss, in appropriate patients it can produce significant cosmetic improvements.

11. Will the fat cells grow back after liposuction?
Liposuction removes fat cells permanently. The fat cells that are removed by liposuction can never come back, however if the patient gains a significant amount of weight, then new fat cell can develop. With a small weight gain, existing fat cells simply get bigger by accumulating more fat within the existing cell.
However, with an increase of more than 10% of body weight one can expect new fat cell development in all areas of the body, including areas previously treated by liposuction. As an adult gains larger amounts of weight, increasing numbers of fat cells (lipocytes) are formed. Hence, it is important to note that patients must not gain further weight after liposuction.

12. If I gain weight after liposuction, does fat come back in the treated areas?
Fat usually does not come back in treated areas provided the patient does not gain a significant amount of weight after the surgery. If the patient gains a significant amount of weight, then fat can return to an area previously treated by liposuction. With increasing weight the degree of fat accumulation in a previously treated area is proportionately less than in untreated areas.
After liposuction relatively less fat accumulates in treated areas compared to untreated areas.

13. If I do not gain weight, does fat come back in the treated areas?
If a patient does not gain weight after liposuction, then fat does not come back in the treated areas.

14. What can I expect if I get pregnant after liposuction?
Pregnancy does not permanently alter the results of liposuction. If a woman has liposuction and subsequently becomes pregnant, gains weight, gives birth and finally loses the excess weight of pregnancy, then her original liposuction improvements will return.

15. Is there any age restrictions on liposuction?
No, there is no age limit on liposuction. Patients of any age, from twenties to seventies, can undergo the operation.

16. Can liposuction be performed on obese patients?
It can be done on obese patients, after proper medical check-up to rule out systemic diseases and after proper counselling to understand the motivation of the patient towards weight reduction by diet and exercise. It is important to make sure that patient realizes that liposuction is not a supplement for weight reduction by other means.

17. Does liposuction remove cellulite?
Cellulite is the puckered appearance of the skin which comes with age and weight reduction. Liposuction improves the silhouette of the body, but does not necessarily eliminate the pre-existing subtle “puckering” of the skin that is often referred to as “cellulite.”
Liposuction does reduce the degree of cellulite to a minor degree but it is unlikely to produce a significant improvement or to completely eliminate cellulite.

18. Will my skin contract to fit my new profile?
Skin is stretched by underlying fat. When this additional fat is removed, the stretched skin shrinks, and returns back to normal as it has a certain amount of elasticity. It will not develop folds and hang loosely.
However, in an elderly patient or a person with gross obesity this may not happen completely, as the ability of skin to shrink is limited. Such patients may need an additional procedure to excise loose skin.

19. What is power-assisted liposuction?
Power-assisted or powered tumescent liposuction is the latest advance in fat removal.
The “power” in the technique refers to the advanced instruments used to perform the surgery. Power-assisted liposuction uses a machine which efficiently removes fatty tissue with increased precision, in less time, with less bruising and a faster healing time. It also results in tightening of skin. It also helps in removing tough fat.

20. What is ultrasound assisted liposuction (UAL)?
UAL was introduced to damage the fat cells and there by facilitate the removal of fat. Initially it attracted media attention and gained some popularity in Europe, as a “high tech” method.
However, the method had significant side effects such as burns of the skin. The damaged fat also lead to small cysts containing fluid called seromas. Ultrasonic assisted liposuction (UAL) is associated with significant bruising and prolonged postoperative swelling.

21. Why should I do liposuction?
After the age of 20 an individual often gains fat according to a genetically predetermined pattern. For these people, liposuction is the only realistic means of significantly changing the body’s silhouette. In effect, liposuction is equivalent to being able to focus on the effects of dieting on specific areas of the body.

22. What is Liposuction?
The concept of liposuction is surprisingly simple. Liposuction is a surgical technique that improves the body’s contour by removing excess fat deposits located between the skin and muscle

23. What is Tumescent Liposuction?
Tumescent liposuction designates a form of liposuction that uses tumescent local anesthesia. The tumescent technique for liposuction totally by local anesthesia has eliminated the greatest dangers associated with the older forms of liposuction.

24. What are Elastic Compression Garments?
Elastic compression garments (specially designed girdles) were intended 1) to reduce bleeding immediately after surgery and 2) to reduce swelling during the time that the body is healing. Tumescent liposuction has significantly reduced surgical bleeding. Most surgeons require that patients wear an elastic compression garment for a certain length of time after liposuction. Specific type will be given to you during consultation.

25. What is the Cost of Liposuction?
The fee for liposuction usually depends on how many areas are treated by liposuction. When only one area is treated by liposuction the fee is less than when multiple areas are treated. It usually starts at $900 per area.

26. Am I A Good Candidate for Liposuction Surgery?
A good candidate for liposuction is defined as any person who has realistic expectations, is in good health and is likely to be happy with the results of liposuction. Although liposuction can often provide very substantial improvements, it is rare for liposuction results to be absolutely perfect.

27. Realistic Expectations of My Liposuction Surgery?
After liposuction, the new body’s shape is more or less permanent. If a patient does gain a moderate amount of weight after liposuction, then the figure will simply be a larger version of the new body shape. Fat cells that are removed by liposuction do not grow back.

28. Which Body Areas can be treated by Liposuction?
The most frequently treated areas for women are the abdomen, sides of breasts, back, hips, outer thighs, anterior thighs, inner thighs, knees, arms, buttocks, cheeks and neck. In men, who comprise about 15% to 25% of liposuction patients, the most commonly treated areas include the chin and neck area, abdomen, flanks (“love-handles”), and breasts.

29. What are the Complications and Risks of Liposuction Surgery?
The most dangerous aspect of liposuction is an attitude that ignores the risk of doing too much liposuction on a single day, or disregards the risks of doing multiple unrelated surgical procedures on the same day that liposuction surgery is performed. As judged by current worldwide experience, liposuction is amazingly safe. Rare problems that can potentially occur with any surgical procedure include infections, bleeding, skin ulcerations, and nerve injury.

30. What Questions Should I Ask before Choosing A Liposuction Surgeon?
Decisions about liposuction should not be based solely on the cost of liposuction. The single most important factor is how many surgeries has the doctor done and how many pictures does the doctor have to show. Ask, whose pictures are these? I need to see pictures of the specific surgeon. The work should speak for itself. We all post our best pictures. An experienced surgeon should have performed at least 2000 surgeries. You should feel free to ask any question you have about liposuction. In fact, it is the patient’s responsibility to make sure that all important questions have been asked and answered before making any final decisions about having liposuction.

31. What kind of Qualifications should a Liposuction Surgeon have?
Liposuction is most commonly performed by surgeons who have acquired special training in the techniques of liposuction. Surgeons who perform liposuction or other cosmetic surgeries are called “cosmetic surgeons.”

32. What are the Important Characteristics of a Safe Surgical Facility?
Liposuction can be performed in a doctor’s office, in an outpatient surgery center, or in a hospital. A safe surgical facility for liposuction must be able to minimize the risks of surgical infections. Surgeries should be done in operating rooms that maintain high standards for cleanliness.

33. What is the safest form of liposuction?
Tumescent liposuction totally by local anesthesia is the safest form of liposuction. Liposuction using general anesthesia or heavy IV sedation is somewhat less safe than liposuction totally by local anesthesia.

34. What is a liposuction cannula?
Microcannulas permit smoother results after liposuction. A liposuction cannula is a small stainless steel tube that is inserted through an incision in the skin and removes subcutaneous fat.

35. How long is the Liposuction Surgery Post-Op and Recovery time?
When liposuction is done totally by local anesthesia, patients can usually depart from the surgical facility within 30 minutes of the completion of surgery. When general anesthesia is employed, then patients usually require one to three hours of post-anesthesia observation before being discharged home. Most patients can return to a desk-type job with two days after tumescent liposuction. Because of the significant decrease in swelling, inflammation and pain after tumescent liposuction, patients are able to return to normal physical activities very soon after tumescent liposuction.

36. Is there Pain or Discomfort after Liposuction Surgery?
During the two days immediately after liposuction, the amount of pain experienced depends on the type of anesthesia used for liposuction. Soreness is usually the most intense 2 to 4 days after liposuction and then decreases steadily. The tenderness and soreness typically is quite bothersome for up to 4 weeks, but gradually subsides over the following next 4 to 8 weeks.

37. How does Liposuction Affect the Appearance of the Skin? Does Liposuction Produce Visible Scars?
The appearance of skin after liposuction depends on the skin’s elasticity. Skin with good elasticity should look smooth and natural after liposuction. Scars are not a common problem with modern liposuction which uses very small cannulas (microcannulas) and thus only very small incision are required.

38. Is Liposuction a Reasonable Treatment for Obesity?
Liposuction can target specific areas.

39. Is it Normal to be Anxious Before having Liposuction Surgery?
Yes. Almost everyone has some degree of anxiety before having a surgical procedure, including liposuction. Some people have more anxiety than others.

40. How does Abdominal Liposuction Differ from a “Tummy Tuck”?
A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is a major surgical procedure requiring general anesthesia, and involves liposuction and excision to remove fat, plus a large excision of skin. In many patients (but not all) liposuction of the abdomen can often provide equivalent or better results than a tummy tuck. Because liposuction is safer and causes less scarring compared to tummy tucks, abdominal liposuction is now far more common than are tummy tucks.

41. What are the differences between liposuction and a tummy tuck?
Liposuction removes small fat deposits in the body found on the hips, thighs, bottom or stomach. A tummy tuck a more dangerous surgery removes excess fat and skin,

42. How much does liposuction cost?
The fee for liposuction usually depends on how many areas are treated by liposuction. When only one area is treated by liposuction the fee is less than when multiple areas are treated. As a rough estimate, the fees for liposuction may vary from $2000 to $8000 for liposuction accomplished on a single day. The cost of liposuction can vary from community to community, and from surgeon to surgeon. To get an accurate estimate, it is necessary to have a consultation with a surgeon and to receive a written quote of the expected fees.

43. How are the surgical fees for liposuction determined?
We charge a single global fee, for liposuction accomplished on a single day, by bundling all of the expenses into a single total fee. This is most often the case when liposuction is done in an office-based surgical facility. Other surgeons might require that separate fees be paid for the surgeon, for the anesthesiologist, and for the surgical facility. The fee for liposuction of a single area such as the abdomen, or the outer thighs (the two outer thighs are considered as one area). The fee typically depends on the amount of time and effort required to accomplish the surgery. Often one large area is all that can be safely accomplished on a single day. If the patient has several areas of concern which are not too large, then liposuction of more than one area can often be accomplished on the same day. The fee charged for liposuction of a second or a third area might be less than the fee for a single area, and may range between $900-1200.

44. Should I Base My Decision on the Cost of Liposuction?
Decisions about liposuction should not be based solely on the cost of liposuction. Liposuction is a hand-crafted art form. Would you base a decision to buy a painting on its price or on the aesthetic judgment and skill of the artist? It is more reasonable to base your decision about liposuction on the surgeon’s before and after pictures , the surgeon’s apparent skill, the surgeon’s experience and the surgeon and ability to communicate with you in a manner that is professional, sincere, comfortable, and unhurried. You must meet the surgeon before your surgery. Five years after your liposuction, you will probably not remember the exact amount you paid for the surgery, but you will be aware of the quality of the results for the rest of your life. The most common source of disappointment following liposuction is dissatisfaction with the degree of improvement (“it looks as if nothing was done”) or unhappiness with uneven lumpy-bumpy results. The liposuction cost should not be the main basis for your choice of surgeon. Do not put your body on the bargain rack. We have done several hundreds of revisions for patients that had received cheap Lipo. Cheap can end up been very expensive.

45. Is Liposuction Covered by Health Insurance?
Usually liposuction is not covered by health insurance. Because liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure it is not covered by medical insurance unless it has some therapeutic benefit. Female breast reduction surgery is often covered by insurance because surgical breast reduction often relieves chronic pain of the back and shoulders. When female breast reduction is accomplished by tumescent liposuction, insurance may reimburse the patient a portion of the liposuction surgical fees. Similarly, sometimes health insurance will cover liposuction for the treatment of subcutaneous lipomas (small fatty tumors just beneath the skin).

46. Is financing available?
Yes we have in-house payment plans without credit checks, care credits and regular cards.

47. How does a patient prepare for liposuction surgery?
See our steps before surgery that’s given during consults

48. What type of anesthesia is used for liposuction?
Exclusively local

49. Which Is Better: Cool Sculpting Or Liposuction?
Liposuction is a more appropriate treatment option and allows for more fat to be removed during a single session. The results of cool Lipo is variable based on our experience

50. Is Liposuction Worth The Cost?
Yes Though it's relatively safe, liposuction carries risks, especially for people with certain health issues. If you are looking to lose weight, diet and exercise are your best. Liposuction is a way to reduce stubborn fat in certain areas like the abdomen, upper arms, and thighs.

51. Will The Skin Tighten Up After Liposuction?
While liposuction can do a lot to sculpt the body, one thing it cannot do is tighten the skin 100%. This is an important aspect of body contouring because, without adequate consideration and planning, a person's skin may look loose and saggy after their liposuction procedure unless the patient works out and tones very well. No surgeon can creat six pack, wash board abs or make you look like a supermodel.

52. Can Liposuction Be Done Twice in the same area?
it's imperative to wait at least 12 months before liposuction in the same area is considered. Remember, even though this practice is possible, each time liposuction is conducted in a repeated area, there is the risk of uneven or irregular results. Sometimes the healing can take up to year especially for patients with stretch marks or large patients.

53. What Are The Best Types Of Liposuction?
Tumescent liposuction (fluid injection) is the most common type of liposuction...
Super-wet technique is similar to tumescent liposuction. It causes less bruising but patient feel more pressure during surgery.
Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL) uses ultrasonic vibrations to turn fat cells into liquid. It’s less used nowadays…
Laser-assisted liposuction (LAL) uses laser energy to liquefy fat cells. There’s high risk of burns especially in dark skin.

54. Is Liposuction only for Women?
No. In general, good candidates for a liposuction include healthy individuals who do not have a life-threatening illness or medical conditions that can impair healing.

55. How many liters of fat should be removed using liposuction surgery?
There’s no scientific evidence on actual limits of fat to be removed. It’s unsettled issue of medicine.however, our surgeon uses a blood loss limit before reaching any fat limit. Every patient is different and it’s a clinic decision that a surgeon has to make.

56. What are Some of the reasons to stop liposuction before completing surgery :
The desired result has been achieved before reaching any limits.
You don’t have enough fat present in the area being treated
The area being treated starts to bleed excessively.
It can be hard to predict in advance how much fat will come out. Sometimes it is possible to remove a very large amount of fat from relatively lean individuals. Conversely, it can sometimes be surprisingly difficult to remove fat from an individual who looks like they have enough it they don’t.
There may be excessive amount of scars.
Very uncooperative patient.
Patient discloses medical history that was not disclosed prior to surgery e.g bleeding disorders

57. What are the minimum and maximum age limits for Liposuction?
While there is no firm age limit for liposuction, most surgeons will avoid performing the procedure on patients over 70 years old because the results might not be as satisfactory.

58. Can Liposuction be used only for removing fat from tummy?
Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that removes fat that you can't seem to get rid of through diet and exercise.

59. Is liposuction surgery expensive?
It varies by city and experience of surgeon

60. Is Liposuction effective for reducing fat from problem areas?
While diet and exercise are important for your health, liposuction can spot reduce resistant problem areas to improve your appearance.

61. Is Liposuction a Weight Loss Treatment?
Liposuction isn't typically considered an overall weight-loss method or a weight-loss alternative. If you're overweight, you're likely to lose more weight through diet and exercise. But staged liposuction can help significantly

62. If I Have Lipo Now in spring Will I Be Able to Enjoy Results this Summer?
Maybe But It Depends on What You'd Like To Do in the Summer. Generally, if all goes well the majority of swelling is gone in two to three weeks and residual swelling can take a few months. Athletic activities usually have to wait until 3 weeks. ... That allows you plenty of time to heal before the next summer!

63. What to look for when choosing the right Liposuction Surgeon?
Choosing a Liposuction Surgeon
The best facelift surgeon or the best breast surgeon might have limited skills as a liposuction surgeon. Pictures are a thousand words. Look at before and after pictures. Don’t be afraid to ask, “ whose pictures are these specifically.” Don’t accept answers like “ it’s our doctors”. Ask which doctor.

64. Can people have Lipo from out of state ?

Liposculpture is designed to eliminate accumulations of stubborn fat that are otherwise difficult to eliminate, even in patients who follow a healthy lifestyle with balanced diet and exercise. Hence, patients who undergo liposculpture are of normal weight or mild overweight that are looking for more curves and shapes.

66. What is superficial liposculpture?
A superficial liposuction should be performed to the infragluteal deposit of fat, allowing the removal of superficial fat combined with a significant skin retraction without removing the deep fat supporting the buttock to prevent the collapse of the gluteus structure.

67. How is facial Liposculpture done?
Cheek liposuction uses a suction device to remove fat cells from your cheeks. The result of cheek liposuction is a face that appears thinner and less full. Cheek liposuction is a short outpatient procedure, and a variety of techniques can be used to help remove the fat.

68. Where are the incisions placed?
It varies from patient to patient but are placed in areas with less visibility.

69. Do I need to be asleep during surgery?
Extensive cosmetic surgery requires general anesthesia, which places the patient into a state of unconsciousness, but smaller cosmetic procedures only require a local anesthesia, which leaves the patient awake. In the last 18 years, all of our surgeries have been under local anesthesia.

70. Can the fat be reused?
It can be transferred to different body parts.

71. Is Wearing a Compression Bandage After Surgery Obligated?
Surgeons recommend wearing a compression garment after liposuction for several reasons related to achieving a comfortable recovery and optimal results:
Wearing a compression garment after liposuction helps the body recover and increases your comfort during the healing process. The body naturally produces fluids during recovery. These fluids can accumulate and become trapped, causing swelling and discomfort and prolonging the healing process. Many liposuction patients experience significant postoperative swelling that can last for weeks. A compression garment applies even pressure across the treatment area, preventing excessive fluid buildup and helping your body absorb any fluid that does accumulate.

Bruising is to be expected after liposuction. Its severity and longevity will vary from patient to patient, but it can be minimized by wearing a compression garment. Bruises occur as a result of trauma to blood vessels. When blood vessels are injured, blood enters the surrounding tissue and discolors the visible skin above the injury site. The consistent pressure of a compression garment helps stop bleeding and prevents blood from moving toward the skin’s surface to reduce the appearance of bruises.

Wearing a compression garment can improve the contour of the treatment area, helping you achieve optimal liposuction results. The support of the garment helps your body adapt to its new streamlined shape and reduces the risk of your skin developing a lax or wrinkled appearance. This can mean smoother, tighter, more attractive liposuction results. Some patients also find that wearing a compression garment improves their posture and facilitates easy movement after a body contouring procedure.At the same time, wearing waist trainer or tight Fajas will destroy your skin and leave you with sever scars and deformation.

72. After the initial consultation, how many more visits will I make to your office before the surgery?
In addition to the initial consultation, if medical needed, you’ll make one more preoperative appointment and you can have as many second consults.

73. How long will the surgery last?
The length of the surgery depends on the surgery and the patient, but most procedures take between 2 and 5 hours.

74. How long will I need someone to help care for me after the surgery?
You will need someone with you for the full 24 hours following the procedure. You will be recovering from anesthesia during this time and it is important that someone drive you home and stay with you.

75. What types of activities should I avoid after my surgery? And for how long?
For at least 2 weeks following your surgery, you should avoid heavy lifting, pushing or pulling heavy objects, and working out. You will also need to wear a compression garment for those 6 weeks. You can resume everyday activities as soon as you feel comfortable doing so.

76. How long should I expect to be out of work?
This depends on the type of surgery you have and the type of work you do, but you should plan to take between 3 and 5 days off of work. We can provide a doctors note.

77. How long will I be sore from the surgery?
This is another aspect of recovery that depends on the surgery you selected. The peak of inflammation is usually 3 days after surgery, at which point pain will begin to subside.

78. How long until the swelling goes down?
Most of the initial swelling starts to subside about 2 weeks after surgery but wound healing can take anywhere between 6-12 months. Patients with High blood pressures and patients that like salty and sugary foods will be swollen longer.

79. How long until the final results of the surgery are visible?
You should be able to see the final results of your surgery after 3 months with minimal changes until the 6 month mark. It can take longer sometimes.

80. Will I need to change my bandages? If so, how often?
Your bandages will be removed when get home and keep Changing under-pads while draining continues. Once Draining stops, 1-2 days,you will be able to shower.

81. How many follow-up visits should I expect?
You will have several follow -up appointments as needed.

82. Where is liposuction be performed?
Some common "problem" areas of the body where liposuction is performed includes:
Double Chin
Back of Neck
Bottom of Upper Arms
Female Breasts
Outer Thighs or Saddlebags
Bra Strap Area
Abdomen or Belly Pooch
Muffin Top
Love Handles
Male Breasts
Less common areas include the ankles, inner thigh and upper back. The optimal area for each individual is unique, as each person responds to diet and exercise differently.

83. What makes an ideal candidate for the procedure?
The best candidates for liposuction are healthy individuals at or close to their goal weight.
Ideal patients have stubborn subcutaneous fat, in which fat resides between muscle and skin, and not visceral fat in which the layer of fat resides beneath the muscle layer around the abdominal organs.

84. Is liposuction a weight loss procedure? How much fat can be removed?
Contrary to popular belief, liposuction is not a weight-loss treatment. Instead, it is a fat reduction procedure. The amount of fat that can be removed in an area during a single procedure will vary depending on a variety of factors, including the surgeon's assessment of the patient's health and his or her aesthetic goals.

85. What happens during the procedure? How is it performed?
Liposuction is a surgical procedure that involves making small incisions in the skin and inserting a tool called a cannula into the fat pocket. This cannula is attached to a suction device to extract the fat.

86. What is the recovery like?
In most procedures, the patient can return to work in a few days and resume all normal activities, like exercise, within 2-4 weeks or less, though recovery and postsurgical care varies depending on the area treated and the amount of fat removed.
Following instructions is the best way to have a recovery that is short and as painless as possible. Some discomfort may be felt. However, lifestyle choices like rest, hydration and not smoking will make healing time faster and complications fewer. The most common postsurgical effects can include some swelling, bruising and tenderness in the area of the procedure. The surgical team will offer some options on pain relief after surgery as well as a list of pain relievers to avoid.
Common postsurgical instructions also include wearing compression garments in the areas that were treated. Modified activities may be recommended for a few weeks afterward to reduce strain on the target areas.

87.What sort of scarring is expected after the procedure?
The cannula is a small instrument, and because of this, the scars are small as well. The number of scars is based on the number of insertion points needed to address the area. Scarring also varies depending on the patient's skin quality. Surgeons will discuss location and the ways in which they can minimize the appearance of scarring.

88. What kind of results should a patient expect after the procedure?
Surgeons can help you anticipate and visualize realistic results. Immediately after surgery, there will be some swelling and the skin may be loose. Because of this it can take several weeks to months to see the full extent of the results of the procedure.
The fat cells removed during liposuction are permanently removed. It is important to note, however, that patients can still gain new fat cells, so following a healthy diet, lifestyle and exercise plan after treatment can help prevent new fat gain.

89. Is American Board of Plastic Surgery important and required ?
No. Board-certified plastic surgeons means that they can treat damaged tissue and focus on trauma and reconstruction. They are not trained in cosmetic surgeries. Cosmetic surgery is an elective speciality open to all physicians contrary to the misinformation of plastic surgeon.

90. How much experience do you have with liposuction?
Asking how many procedures a surgeon has done and on what areas of the body can help you to understand a surgeon's knowledge level. Dr araya has done over 6000 Lipo surgeries with over 18 years of experience.

91. What kinds of results can I expect?
It can take several weeks for the swelling to resolve, the skin to tighten and the full extent of the results to be seen. The surgeon can help guide you through this process.

92. What is the surgery and recovery time?
This will vary based on the amount of fat being removed, the target area and the number of areas in the body that are being treated.

93. Are before and after photos of similar procedures available to see?
Reviewing the surgeon's past work on similar patients and body areas can help patients get a realistic feel for the surgeon's work and results. A picture is a thousand words and should speak for the quality of the work the surgeon performs.

94. What is the scheduling time before surgery?
Some surgeons may be booked out for months doing surgeries that are not liposuction, while others may have openings next week. Patients looking to complete their surgery and recovery for an upcoming event will want to consider the surgeon's availability.

95. What kind of postsurgical care is involved for the target area?
In many cases, compression garments and reduced use are all it takes to make things better. However, if more or special care is required patients can make or plan for special arrangements to be able to heal optimally.

96. What kind of follow-up is required with after this procedure?
Some surgeons may require a post-surgery visit to evaluate and confirm that everything is healing on schedule and properly, while others may require multiple follow-up visits as a part of aftercare. We taylor to the needs of the patient.

97.Am I a good candidate for liposuction?
This procedure is great for those that are close to their ideal weight but are having trouble removing problem areas of fat. Those that want to shape their bodies more can do so with the use of liposuction. A consultation with our team can help determine your candidacy for this procedure.

98. What results are seen with liposuction?
It is important to note that every person is different so results may vary depending on the person. We recommend that a person gives their body a year to see the full results after having the procedure performed as this gives the body enough time to smooth out.

99.Is there scarring after?
It worries many that they will have many scars due to the surgery. The incisions made are all less than a centimeter and may be red and raised at first, but when they heal, they will become noticeably lighter and mesh well with the skin. Lightening creams and other procedures can help reduce the look of scars that may have healing issues.

100. Is liposuction safe?
Compared to other surgical procedures, liposuction is one of the safest. The procedure is non-invasive; the liposuction cannula is a narrow stainless-steel tube that removes subcutaneous fat through a very small insertion cut in the skin.

101. Is liposuction a weight loss procedure to treat obesity?
Liposuction is not for obesity, and it’s a misconception that liposuction is a weight-loss treatment. Rather, it’s a fat reduction procedure. The amount of fat you can have removed depends on many factors, including the surgeon’s assessment of your health and body goals. That said, even if you are over-weight, liposuction will help remove several pounds and in such a way to enhance your figure.

102. Is liposuction covered by insurance?
Because liposuction is considered cosmetic by health insurance carriers, it is not a covered procedure.

103. What postsurgical and follow-up care is necessary?
Compression garments are used to reduce puffiness and speed up healing. If special care is required, you can plan it with your surgeon for optimal healing. The surgeon may require only one or two post-surgery visits to confirm that everything is healing according to schedule or if multiple areas were treated, you may require multiple follow-up visits, depending on your situation. Following your liposuction procedure, you and your care team will be watching out for any post-surgical fluid collection in the areas treated. If fluid pockets are present they are easily aspirated during a follow up visit to ensure a nice long-lasting flat result.

104. What results should a patient expect after the procedure?
Your surgeon will discuss and help you visualize realistic results. Immediately after surgery, there may be swelling and loose skin that will go away during the healing process. It may take several weeks to months to see the full extent of the results of the procedure. The final result will be a lovely enhancement to create a slimmer more toned figure.

105. Will I gain the fat back after liposuction?
Fat cells removed via liposuction are permanently removed; however, we recommend you maintain a stable weight to keep new fat from coming back to problem areas. Be sure to exercise and eat a healthy diet to help achieve long-lasting results.
If you’re considering liposuction or other procedures, we would be delighted to help guide you through this process. Get in touch today to learn about your options and schedule a consultation at your convenience.

106. How many clothing sizes will I go down?
This one is impossible to predict. You should see a reduction in fatty tissue in the area treated, but whether or not this translates into a drop in clothing size cannot be predicted in advance.
Consequently, no guarantee can be made as to what size clothing you will wear after the procedure.

107. Is Liposculpture a Solution for Lipomas and Excessive Sweating?
Lipomas are benign tumors of mature fat cells. They can be removed by liposuction

108. Being a lady, I feel shy to undergo liposuction naked, What is the solution?
Your private areas is always covered during surgery.

109. Treatment for seroma or hematorma after Lipo?
To help get rid of your seroma, a doctor or nurse may:
a. Drain the fluid with a needle and syringe.
b. Drain it more than once.

110. Smoking cigarettes or weed?
Cigarettes and marijuana both can damage the lung. In reality, cigarettes probably damage more tissue simply because most people smoke many more cigarettes than they do marijuana. If someone smoked a "pack or two" of marijuana cigarettes every day, like cigarette smokers often do with cigarettes, they would probably end up with a similar degree of damage to their lungs. It is also important to realize that cigarettes are not just paper and tobacco but also many chemical additives so that they burn "properly." Marijuana tends not to contain these chemical additives, but may contain other equally damaging substances placed intentionally or inadvertently in the drug.

111. Issues of BMI for Lipo?
People who are morbidly obese (BMI greater than 40 ) should take into consideration that there is a limit on how much fat can be removed during one surgery.

112. Can patient with diabetes have Lipo?
Once your blood sugar is in control, you can have a great result with liposuction just like any other patient. However, diabetes is an illness that may suppress the capability to recover after the liposuction.

113. Can patient with high blood pressure have Lipo?
If you have certain uncontrolled health conditions, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or thyroid problems, you may not be a good candidate for liposuction. You'll want to discuss any medical problems you have with your surgeon. There may be other risks, depending on your health.

114. Can patient with kidney disease or liver disease have Lipo?
It varies from patient to patient and you should discuss this with your surgeron. Patients on dialysis and patients with cirrhosis of liver cannot do surgery

115. What causes burns after Lipo?
Because laser liposuction heats the fat, it can cause serious burn injuries. The tissues of the body absorb heat at different rates. Thus, the muscles, skin, and other tissues may suffer severe, third-degree burns during the procedure. Lasers are no longer recommended

116. How are burns treated after Lipo?
Bruising and ecchymosis also occur in all liposuction patients immediately after the procedure, peaks by the end of 7-10 days, but generally disappear by 2-4 weeks after surgery.

117. What is unique about liposuction at Vita Surgical?
Over 6000 surgeries and over 18+ years of exclusive cosmetic surgeries.
Outstanding safety record.
Very high percentage of satisfied patients.

118. Do heating pad cause damage after Lipo ?
Absolutely NO ICE OR HEATING PADS to the skin overlying the areas treated by liposuction-you may freeze or burn your skin. -Expect bruising- the more extensive the liposuction surgery, the more bruising one can expect. Some patients have more of a tendency to bruise than others.

119. Do waist trainer cause damage to the skin?
Contrary to what celebrities say, waist training will not reduce belly fat, make you lose weight, or give you similar results to liposuction… Like many get-thin-quick schemes, there is no evidence that weight loss while waist training is due to the corset rather than calorie restriction and exercise.

120. How much blood is lost during tumescent liposuction?
The tumescent technique is so effective at minimizing blood loss that the majority of patients lose very little blood during liposuction. This is the same volume of blood that is taken for routine pre-operative laboratory studies.
In the days before the advent of the tumescent technique the biggest risk of liposuction was excessive loss of blood during surgery. In fact, many of these patients needed blood transfusion. With the advent of the tumescent technique, blood transfusions are no longer a part of liposuction surgery.

121. How many incisions are made?
The number of small linear incisions that are placed in the skin is determined by a number of factors including size and location of the area being treated. In general, when we use small diameter microcannulas, we typically make multiple (1-2) tiny adits in an area, which are so small (less than 1/8 inch in diameter) that no stitches are required.

122. How long will take for the incisions to heal?
Incisions or adits usually close up in a one or two days , and become completely healed with no scabs within 2 to 4 weeks. The incisions sites slowly disappear.

123. How long does it take to complete a typical liposuction procedure?
The length of time that it takes to complete a liposuction depends on the size of the patient, the number of areas being treated. Because it takes a certain amount of time to inject local anesthesia, it usually takes longer to do liposuction using local anesthesia than it does use general anesthesia. A tumescent liposuction procedure may take anywhere between 2-5 hours.

124. Are there any risks of Liposuction?
As with any surgical procedure, liposuction is associated with possible side effects. However, these are rare and minor with our technique. They include bruising, swelling, temporary numbness, and discomfort in the surgically treated areas. All these are minor side effects, are temporary and can be easily taken care of.
Worldwide experience has shown that liposuction using the tumescent technique is amazingly safe. Serious complications, such as blood clots, infection, or allergic reactions, which have been reported with conventional liposuction under general anesthesia are extremely rare.

125. Is there any pain with liposuction?
In the initial phase of injection of tumescent solution, patient may experience some pain. This is avoided by giving preoperative tranquillizers.
Once the tumescent solution is inside the body, the rest of the procedure is usually painless. Most importantly, the tumescent solution usually provides about a day of continuing numbness in the suctioned areas so that patients can move, do their routine housework in a few days Movement and activity help to avoid blood clot formation in the legs.

126. What is Liposuction Swelling (EDEMA)?
Whenever the body is injured, inflammatory cells and other mechanisms usually cause a release of water-based fluid (edema). When this water-based edema fluid builds-up in a significant amount, it causes what we outwardly see as swelling.
In the older conventional liposuction under general anesthesia, this swelling used to persist for several weeks. Under tumescent technique, the swelling is minimized by:
Using microcannulae and hence less tissue damage.
Keeping small incisions or adits open – This open drainage allows the accumulated fluid to be drained for the first 24-48 hours , there by reducing the risk of swelling.
Bimodal compression – Initially compression, later moderate compression to hasten outflow of fluid .

127. What are seromas?
Seromas are swelling which contain clear fluid caused by damage to lower layers of skin. Seroma is a frequent sequel of liposuction (see below). Seromas are normal and can be drained with needles and will go away over time.

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