Operation: This procedure is used to fill
in balding areas with a patient's own hair using a variety
of techniques including scalp reduction, tissue expansion,
strip grafts, scalp flaps, or clusters of mini-micro grafts.
Operation Time (estimate): Operating time
ranges from 1 to 5 hours. Some techniques may require multiple
Anesthesia/Pain Control: Patients are usually
under local anesthesia with sedation but flaps and tissue
expansion may be done with general.
Location: This is usually an outpatient
Side effects (Possible): Some patients
may experience temporary achy, tight scalp.
Complications (Possible): Some possible
complications may include an unnatural look, infection,
excessive scarring, failure to "take", loss of
scalp tissue and/or transplanted hair.
Downtime: Patients can go back to work
in 2 to 5 days and participate in strenuous activities in
10 days to 3 weeks. Final look results may not be evident
for 18 or more months depending on operation.
Duration of Results: Results are permanent.
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