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Smallpox Vaccine
What You Need to Know About the Smallpox Vaccine
- Smallpox Vaccine Overview
The smallpox vaccine helps the body develop immunity to smallpox. Currently, the U.S. has a big enough stockpile to vaccinate everyone who might need it in the event of an emergency…
- The Live Virus Smallpox Vaccine
The vaccinia virus is the "live virus" used in the vaccine. It is a "pox"-type virus related to smallpox. When given to humans as a vaccine, it helps the body to develop immunity to smallpox…
What Happens After Vaccination?
- Side Effects of Vaccination
For most people, the smallpox vaccine is safe & effective. Most people experience normal, typically mild reactions to the vaccine, which indicate that it is beginning to work. Some people may experience reactions that may require medical attention…
- Someone You Are Close to May Get the Smallpox Vaccine: What You Should Know and Do
If someone you have close, physical contact with (your spouse, partner or other member of your household) is considering getting the smallpox vaccine, there are some things you should know…
What to Know If You're Considering Vaccination
- Pre-Vaccination Information Packet
Materials to be printed & distributed to prospective vaccinees to aid in the decision-making process
Nov 15, 2003
- Information for People Selected for Smallpox Response Teams
Information for those considering getting smallpox vaccine as part of their hospital or health department’s preparedness plans