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Liposuction Board Certified Certification Application Process.

- Obtaining a Certification Application
- Completing the Certification Application
- Submitting the Application
- Application Processing
- Appeals

Obtaining a Certification Application
Physicians applying for the certification process must complete the current year's certification application. LBC application form is available online. Click here to View

Completing the Certification Application
Instructions for completing the certification application are included with the application. Physicians with questions about the credential requirements or any portion of the certification application should call the LBC office for clarification and assistance before submitting their applications.

Submitting the Application
LBC strongly encourages physicians to submit their application forms well before the deadline date and to mail them using a method that provides confirmation of delivery.

Physicians should also ensure that the postmark date is clearly discernable, since the postmark date is used to determine whether the application can be accepted and the fee that is due.
Initial Certification Application Dates and Fees.

The following items must be submitted for a certification application to be complete:

›› A completed, signed, and notarized current year Certification Application Form
›› The application fee in U.S. funds
›› Additional items included in the application materials or referred to in the application instructions, if applicable.

LBC recommends that physicians retain a photocopy of each form and supporting document submitted to LBC. Applications and related information become property of LBC, and submitted documentation will not be returned to the physician.

Application Processing
LBC processes applications as they are received. LBC checks to ensure that the application is complete and that the physician has submitted the required items, including the appropriate payment. The application fee covers the cost of processing the application only and cannot be refunded under any circumstances. An application cannot be processed without full payment. Deadline dates and fees are listed under Initial Certification Application Dates and Fees.

If payment is included, but other items are missing or incomplete, LBC can begin processing the application, but a final review cannot be completed until all information is received. Applications that remain incomplete will be closed on April 1 of the following year. Physicians with closed applications must submit new applications if they want to apply for certification. They must meet all requirements in place at the time the new application is submitted.

LBC verifies physician credentials as part of the application processing. By signing the application form, physicians give LBC permission to verify information submitted on the Certification Application.

LBC mails notification regarding whether or not the physician has met the credential requirements. If an application is not accepted as fulfilling these requirements, LBC includes instructions for the reconsideration or appeal of the credential decision with the letter of notification.

All credential decisions are communicated in writing over the signature of the Board president, secretary-treasurer, or as otherwise specified in LBC policies and procedures.

LBC maintains an application appeal procedure for candidates whose applications are determined not to fulfill the credential requirements. A copy of the procedure is available from the LBC office.


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